security guards

The Benefits Of Concierge Security

Concierge security is a casual and effective solution for businesses. It provides adequate protection without making guests feel uncomfortable. Here is why you should invest in concierge security guards. Why You Should Invest In Concierge Security Unique Selling Point If your business has concierge security and your competitors do not, this gives you a distinct

By |2022-03-17T11:52:56+00:00March 17th, 2022|security, security guards, security protection|

How To Improve Factory Security

Factory security is extremely important to protect your workers and any expensive items or machinery your premises contain. Here are some practical strategies you can use to increase factory security. Strategies To Increase Factory Security Invest In CCTV CCTV is a major deterrent against theft and other crimes. It enhances factory security because employees will

By |2022-04-13T10:58:10+00:00February 4th, 2022|security, security guards, security protection|

How To Improve Warehouse Protection

Warehouse protection is very important for the longevity of your business. You need to find a way to protect your goods while not harming your company culture. Here are some practical methods you can use to secure your warehouse. Methods To Enhance Warehouse Protection Get CCTV This is one of the easiest ways to keep

By |2022-01-25T10:38:41+00:00January 24th, 2022|security guards|

How Could Your Business Benefit From Guard Dog Patrol?

Mobile guard dog patrols can benefit a huge range of businesses, they offer the advantage of physical and responsive security, that can disturb intruders in the act, as opposed to cameras or alarms that only alert you to a possible break in. If you need a bit of convincing that guard dog patrols are the

Does Your Site Need a Traffic Marshall?

The main role of a traffic marshal is to ensure the safety of any vehicles, pedestrians and equipment on your site. Traffic marshals use hand signals and equipment to hold traffic, coordinate movements and direct pedestrians, communicating through radios to ensure a smooth process. This is a public facing role and so the traffic marshal

Why You Shouldn’t Scrimp on Factory Security

If you run an industrial factory it is important to be economically efficient, but there are certain areas you can’t afford to scrimp on, and one of those areas is factory security. Keeping your factory secure is essential to the safety of your employees but it is also essential for protecting your profits. Putting together

The Benefits of Overnight Security

No matter what type of property you are trying to protect, overnight security is essential for peace of mind that you or your property is protected from thieves and threatening situations. Thieves or vandals will often target at night, particularly in warehouses and factories, as they know there won’t be any staff around and the

Why Security in Retail is More Important Than Ever

As lockdown restrictions keep changing, and so does government advice, it is important that retail spaces implement social distancing measures and whatever other guidance is in place at the time. This is particularly important in places such as shops, restaurants and sports venues where areas can become crowed and the public tend to be at

Static Manned Security Guard Versus Mobile Patrol

When you are trying to protect a business or property having security guards is a no brainer, but how do you decide between static manned guards or mobile security patrols? Mainly, this depends on your business, the size of the premises and what you are trying to achieve by investing in on-site security. Static Security